Thursday, September 8, 2011



The following is a small portion of dialog from the presidential debate of the Republican Party, the party of small, limited government and free enterprise:

Rick Perry: “Michael Dukakis created jobs faster than you did, Mitt.”
Mitt Romney: “Well, as a matter of fact, George Bush and his predecessors created jobs at a faster rate than you did, Governor.”

Most people thought this was a snappy comeback on Romney’s part. Yours truly was appalled. The two leading contenders for the presidential nomination of the party that never stops trumpeting its fealty to free enterprise argue about which GOVERNOR, which POLITICIAN, created more jobs?

It is businesses, big, small, and medium, and their investors, that create jobs, not the politicians. One would think that one would not have to explain that to the party of free enterprise but, alas, that would require believing that these carnival barkers actually believe what they say.

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