Wednesday, June 22, 2011



I sent the following letter to the editor of the Naperville Sun in response to Mayor George Pradel’s dismissal of a 1:00 AM “ill-timed mass departure of between 60 and 70 guests from a birthday party” at our new neighbor, Show-Me’s (a Tilted Kilt or Hooters wannabe with even less class and, so I’m told, even worse food) as something “you’ve got to expect when you have a restaurant”:


Naperville police were called to Show-Me’s (sic) at 1:00 A.M. on Monday in response to what neighbors said was a fight but what Show-Me’s executive Lee Nanos called, according to Wednesday’s Sun, “an ill-timed mass departure of between 60 and 70 guests from a birthday party at the restaurant.” That must have been some birthday cake, but I digress.

In response, Naperville Mayor George Pradel, who earlier had promised neighbors of Show-Me’s that such behavior would not be allowed at the bar that abuts a residential neighborhood, said “…you’ve got to expect that when you have a restaurant.”

You have to expect “ill-timed mass departure(s) of between 60 and 70 guests from a birthday party” when you have a restaurant? How many “ill-timed mass departure(s) of between 60 and 70 guests from a birthday party” have taken place at Quincy’s or Las Palmas, restaurants located on either side of Show-Me’s? Just what kind of restaurants does Mr. Pradel frequent? Perhaps he merely finds the wings served at your typical biker bar irresistible.

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