Thursday, March 25, 2010



See my 3/16/10 post for an almost complete list of places at which my book, The Chairman, A Novel of Big City Politics, is in stock and/or readily available. I say “almost complete” because I discovered, in the midst of completing some other task, that The Chairman can be ordered at the Barnes & Noble’s website ( for immediate shipping. So, in addition to its being available at such independents as Anderson’s and Bookie’s, at, and at The Irish Book Club, the book can be ordered from Barnes & Noble’s website if you are so inclined. Again, as I said in the 3/16 post, while the book is immediately available at the outlets listed in that post, I suspect just about any book store will order the book for you.

More book news….

I have completed the first draft and the first editing of the as yet unnamed sequel to The Chairman. While I prefer The Chairman, and it will always hold a special place in my heart, I think the general public will find the sequel a slightly better book. It moves a little more quickly (though The Chairman moves very well, especially by the time one hits the middle chapters) and doesn’t contain as much background material as The Chairman. I, for one, really enjoyed the wealth of background in The Chairman, as did many of my readers, especially those interested and/or involved in politics. But the general reader, especially the reader who is more interested in compelling characters than political background, will probably find the sequel slightly more to his or her liking. However, there is (more than) plenty of political background, and more recent political history, in the sequel to keep the political junky glued to the book. I suppose what I’m saying is that both The Chairman and its sequel are terrific books, but the general reader may find the new book even more compelling than the original while those who liked The Chairman will enjoy the new book at least as much.

The new book should be out some time this summer; I have to do more editing and consult with some of my friends in the book business regarding the most effective and profitable way to publish this new book.


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