Thursday, March 1, 2007

The 43rd Ward a vassal of the 19th Ward?


John Kass, the Tribune’s successor to Mike Royko, wrote a column in the wake of Richard II’s landslide reelection as Mayor of Chicago. Almost as an aside, Mr. Kass contended that the 43rd Ward, consisting largely of the trendy and upscale Lincoln Park, had become a political satellite of the 19th ward, consisting of largely blue collar Mt. Greenwood and slightly more upscale Beverly, West Beverly, and Morgan Park.

As one who was born in the 19th Ward and who spent much of his life there, I felt compelled to respond to Mr. Kass’s column:


Hi John,

I enjoyed your 2/28 column written in the wake of the election.

Politics aside, your contention that the 43rd ward has become a political satellite of the 19th ward made the day of this ex 19th warder whose heart largely remains on Campbell Avenue. I take great satisfaction, indeed delight, that the yuppies and other upscale, frou-frouy types of Lincoln Park have to pay obeisance to the blue collar residents of Mount Greenwood and points east. Formerly, until the need for a police officer, firefighter, or streets and san snow plow operator arose, the salt-of-the-earth 111th Streeters completely escaped the notice of the ex-North Shore residents who now fancy themselves hard core urbanites because they live among the fern bars of the 43rd. Now, I suppose, the brie and chardonnay masters of the universe will have to do a little genuflecting to the Old Style drinkers on Western Avenue.

Admittedly, I don’t know how much time Jerry Joyce, Dan Hynes, and Jim Houlihan spend in the old neighborhood, but I won’t let perhaps disappointing reality spoil the wonderful picture I have drawn in my head.

Thanks, John!

Mark Quinn

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