Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Just what the world needs...another blog!!!


Welcome to the Insightful Pontificator, conceived in the notion that the world needs more blogs as surely as the financial world needs more ETFs.

I am otherwise known as “Professor Manly” of No Brainer University at bayrocket.com/nbu. Given the fun I am having as Professor Manly, and the popularity of my posts on that blog, I thought I’d start yet another repository for my wit and wisdom.

The topics I will cover will include virtually anything that interests, entertains, or infuriates me at any given time. Given my background in investments, political commentary, social commentary, and automobiles, and my general curmudgeonly, misanthropic, and obviously redundant view of the world, virtually no topic, save nuclear physics or the latest trends in gift stores and other pointless retailing, will be left untouched and unexcoriated by this vehicle for exposing the ludicrousness that pervades all aspects of modern life.

If at first nothing strikes your fancy, or stokes your ire, keep coming back. You will be sure to find something sure to pique your interest or stoke your outrage.

The Insightful Pontificator

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